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What we believe - 1 Bible, Scripture

Added: 16.09.2010
Views: 172731x
Topics: Biblical Facts

1st - Bible, Scripture

The Bible, Old and New Testaments, is God's written word. Is given by inspiration of God through God's holy people, who spoke and wrote under the influence of the Holy Spirit. In this word God gave man the knowledge necessary for salvation. Scripture is the infallible revelation of God's will. Is a measure of character, experience, test stone, authoritative basis for learning and a reliable record of God's acts in history.

2nd Petr 1,20-21 - First you should know that no prophecy of Scripture do not enjoy his own opinion of the prophet. Prophecy never came from the human will, but God's people talked, how are Driven by the Holy Spirit.

2nd Timotheus 3,16.17 - All scripture is by inspiration of God, and is most useful. Teaches us, convicts, corrects and educates in righteousness.

Psalm 119 105 - The light of my steps is thy word, shine on my way.

Proverbs 30,5.6 - All God's speech is pure, he is a shield to those who trust in him. His words, not add, or rebukes you and condemn the lies.

Hebrews 4.12 - the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword. Penetrates to the interface of soul and spirit, to a fault and joints to the heart, which explores his thoughts and intentions.

Isaiah 8.20 - The Law and the testimony! However, if they do not want, then let him say the words in which there is no light.

John 17.17 - Hallowed is the truth: thy word is truth.

1 Thessalonians 2.13 - continually thank God because you have received God's word that you heard from us. You accepted it not as a human word but as what it really is the word of God, which held its work in you believers.

Hebrews 1,1-2 - Many and various ways God spoke once to the fathers by the prophets, but in these last days spoken to us through His Son, which he hath appointed heir of all things, through whom he created the world. God has ever spoken to people directly. Sometimes through angels, prophets had ever seen - a special state of body and mind, where God's perceptions of the communication. Prophets often not understand the significance that God told them. Another time he wrote his own words in the image, which they were shown.

The Apostle Peter said:

2nd Peter 1.21 - The prophecy never came from the human will, but God's people talked, how are Driven by the Holy Spirit.

Here we talk about inspiration, about inspiration. God told his people the message that is passed on to their contemporaries, or is recorded for posterity. Important role in writing the Bible has played third Divine Person - the Holy Spirit. He inspired the writers, and he also helps man to understand the Bible.

John 16.13 - but until he comes, the Spirit of truth will guide you into all truth. She will not speak of himself, but he says everything they hear - and tell you things to come.

Several principles of a successful study of the Bible

1 Believe that the Bible is the Word of God.

Romans 10.17 - Faith is hearing the message and the news is word of Christ.

2nd Leave the lead in interpreting the Holy Spirit.

John 16.13 - but until he comes, the Spirit of truth will guide you into all truth. She will not speak of himself, but he says everything they hear - and tell you things to come.

3 Praying for God's guidance.

James 1.5 - If there someone in your wisdom, let God asks, and he gives it to him - is still generous to all and without reservations!

On 4 Willingness to live the principles identified.

John 7.17 - If anyone want to do his will, knows where teaching is from God or whether I speak of myself.

5 Accept the Bible as a daily spiritual bread.

Matthew 4.4 - But he answered: It is written, not live by bread man, but by every word that proceedeth from the mouth of God. "

6th The Bible interprets the Bible, incomprehensible places are elsewhere explained.

Isaiah 28,10,13 - precept for the lesson, learn a lesson, manage the administration, management of the administration, then a little bit, little by onud. But the word of the LORD learn a lesson, learn a lesson, manage the administration, management of the administration, then dab a bit of onud.

7th Allow God and the Bible to her influence changed into my character and conduct

Hebrews 4.12 - the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword. Penetrates to the interface of soul and spirit, to a fault and joints to the heart, which explores his thoughts and intentions.

2nd Timothy 3.16 - All scripture is by inspiration of God, and is most useful. He teaches us and convicts, corrects and educates in righteousness, that God was a man perfectly prepared and equipped for every good work.

8 Spiritual truths in the Bible to understand spiritually

1 Corinthians 2.14 - nonspiritual man but does not accept things of the Spirit, for they are foolishness to him, and he can not understand because they can be understood only spiritually.

9 Through the Bible is familiar with the author, with Christ, the Bible is His letter to you.

John 5:39 - search the scriptures because you think they have eternal life, and she shows me.

10 When you do not understand, be able to bow before God and your mind.

Isaiah 55.9 - The sky is high above the earth, so are my ways above your ways, so it is my opinion of your mentality.

Job 38.4 - Where were you when I founded the earth? Just tell me if it okay. Who determined its dimensions? Surely you know! Who paced rate it?

Jesus said the Scriptures of the Old Testament - and how much more true of the New Testament scriptures: "The scriptures bear witness of me" (John 5:39), that the Redeemer, on to which they are denied the hope of eternal life. Yes, the whole Bible speaks of Christ. Since the first reports of the creature, which said that without Christ "arose not anything that is" (John 1:3), to the final promise: "Behold, I come quickly" (Revelation 22.12), we read about his work and listen to his voice. If you want to know the Savior, explore Bible. Fill your heart to God's speech.

The Bible was not written for scholars: on the contrary, is intended for the common people. Great truths necessary to salvation are as clear as noon, no matter not err from the path, except those who are governed by a self-judgment, rather than followed the revealed will of God.

Nothing more than reinforce a sense a thorough examination of the Scriptures. No other book has such power to elevate thinking, enhance our mental abilities as a deep, refined Bible truths.

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