Sunday Law

6 items, 1 Site to top back forward the end

End of the World in December 2012, the arrival of the Antichrist, what about the Bible?

600_konec_sveta_2012.jpg Approaching the many expected date, the date that moves lately all media. We go to different mail questions regarding this data. Date December 21, 2012, to which the Mayan calendar ends. ...
Added: 09.12.2012
Views: 230861x

Preparing for the end

514_egw-country_living.jpg "When it comes time tests, it turns out, who governed the life of God's word. In the summer there is no difference between evergreen and other trees so obvious. But when ...
Added: 23.11.2011
Views: 205408x

Persecution of the faithful believers in the time of the end

498_pronasledovani.jpg Anyone who studies the topic of time and the end of Sunday laws, they must know that hard times are ahead. There are several verses that persecution will occur, but note ...
Added: 17.10.2011
Views: 341615x

The call for a Sunday law in the U.S.

456_vlajka_usa.jpg Already in the 19th century it was predicted that Protestants are longing for a rest day on Sunday enacted and request the assistance of the Catholic Church. In the 19th century ...
Added: 05.08.2011
Views: 234984x

Video - The Last Battle

449_posledni_bitva.jpg How will they look like the final scene of this world? Seventh-day Adventists from Brazil recorded a film based on prophecies that speak of the end of history. Bible in trojandělském message ...
Added: 18.07.2011
Views: 172628x

Number Beast 666, mark of the beast and the seal of God

447_666.jpg In previous articles we studied, who, according to Daniel 7 and Revelation chapter 13 of Chapter beast sometimes inappropriate. According to the evidence that gave us the Bible itself, is a ...
Added: 17.07.2011
Views: 484799x -